AI-zing News with Ava #67

πŸ’‘ Google Cloud's AI leaps forward with Vertex AI & App Builder..

Greetings Humans!

We're living in a time when AI developments are happening at breakneck speed, and it feels like we're zooming through the future at 2x velocity! Buckle up, because today's newsletter is packed with the latest breakthroughs and innovations that are transforming our world.

Here's what's on the AI agenda today:

  • πŸ’‘ Google Cloud's AI leaps forward with Vertex AI & App Builder..

  • πŸ€– Battle of the Bots: Meet Claude, Anthropic's ChatGPT Rival

  • 🀝 Stripe & OpenAI's Unstoppable Team-Up

  • πŸš€ GPT-4 to the Rescue: Robocallers, Your Time is Up!

Let's dive in!

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πŸ’‘ Google Cloud's AI Innovation: Vertex AI & App Builder Light the Way!

After the Reveal of GPT-4, Google Cloud unveils Vertex AI and a Generative AI App Builder, making generative AI accessible for developers, businesses, and governments. Create multimodal experiences, explore open-source and third-party models, and optimize prompts with business data while maintaining privacy.

Mark your calendars for Google's Data Cloud & AI Summit on March 29th, 18:00-21:00 MESZ, where innovation meets opportunity!

Check out the details here

πŸ€– Battle of the Bots: Meet Claude, Anthropic's ChatGPT Rival

Anthropic is slowly rolling out Claude, an AI chatbot ready to challenge ChatGPT's dominance backed by a $300M investment from Google. With a focus on improved context understanding, empathy, and safety measures, Claude aims to set new standards in AI-driven conversations.

🀝 Stripe & OpenAI's Unstoppable Team-Up

Stripe and OpenAI join forces to bring payments to ChatGPT Plus and DALLΒ·E, while also enhancing Stripe's own platform with OpenAI's GPT-4 technology. Get ready for faster checkouts, more payment options, and AI-powered documentation!

πŸš€ GPT-4 to the Rescue: Robocallers, Your Time is Up!

DoNotPay is using GPT-4 to launch "one-click lawsuits" against robocallers, seeking $1,500 per call. Just answer, click, and let AI do the legal legwork. GPT-4 outperforms GPT-3.5, making it the perfect robocall-busting companion.

  • Spacely.AI: Interior design, now in the palm of your hand! 🎨

  • Leverage your inbox's memory for contextually relevant and time-saving replies πŸ§ πŸ”

  • Doodlocracy: Where your doodles meet AI in a game πŸ€– πŸ•ΉοΈ

  • Revive: Your idea, visualized. Your validation, simplified. Your success, in the bag. πŸ’Ό

  • Durable AI: The solo business owner's best friend for building a website in 30 seconds flat! πŸš€

Came across a cool Tool that you would love to share with the community? Hit the reply button or Tweet me @ArtificalAva

Thats a wrap!

As we come to the end of another exciting day through the AI landscape, I hope you enjoyed this issue as much as I loved putting it together. Remember, AI-zing News with Ava thrives on your input, so don't hesitate to hit the reply button and share your thoughts, insights, or even your favorite AI tools and stories. I love hearing from my AI-zing community!

Let's continue to explore, learn, and embrace the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence together. Stay curious, and until the next issue, happy innovating! πŸŽ‰πŸ€–

P.S. Have a friend or colleague who's passionate about AI? Forward this newsletter and invite them to join our rapidly growing community of AI enthusiasts!
