AI-zing News with Ava #64

GPT-4 is coming! "We will introduce GPT-4 next week" & Salesforce Launches Einstein GPT: The Future of Generative AI for CRM

📰 Extra, extra, read all about it! Today's newsletter is filled with the latest and greatest AI tools and news. Don't miss out, read on now!

Here's what's waiting to be read by you:

  • 🚨 GPT-4 is coming! "We will introduce GPT-4 next week"

  • 🤖 Salesforce Launches Einstein GPT: The Future of Generative AI for CRM

  • 🦆 DuckDuckGo Launches AI-Generated Answers with DuckAssist

  • 📝 Take Your Note-Taking to the Next Level with Notability's Telegram Bot!

Ready? Let's dive into the News 🤿

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🚨 GPT-4 is coming! "We will introduce GPT-4 next week"

 At an AI kickoff event, Microsoft Germany's CTO, Andreas Braun, casually announced the imminent release of this game-changing technology. "We will introduce GPT-4 next week" doesn't necessarily mean that it will be launched then, so we gotta stay patient. GPT-4 is set to be released with multimodal capabilities, including videos.

🤖 Salesforce Launches Einstein GPT: The Future of Generative AI for CRM

Salesforce has announced Einstein GPT, the world's first generative AI CRM technology, that creates AI-created content across every sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT interaction. This technology enables customers to connect their data to OpenAI’s AI models, and use natural-language prompts to generate personalized content that continuously adapts to changing customer information and needs in real time.

Salesforce also acquired the Domain, which redirects you to the landing page of their new Tool.

🦆 DuckDuckGo Launches AI-Generated Answers with DuckAssist

DuckDuckGo has added a new tool to its search engine called DuckAssist that uses AI-generated answers from Wikipedia to provide summarized responses to users' questions. The company says that the beta version of the tool is currently available through its mobile apps and browser extensions, but may be added to the web-based search engine if the trial proves successful. DuckAssist uses language models from OpenAI and Anthropic to provide summaries while maintaining the same focus on privacy as DuckDuckGo.

📝 Take Your Note-Taking to the Next Level with Notability's Telegram Bot!

Notability takes note-taking to the next level! Notability is a chatbot that lets you send notes and have an AI (ChatGPT) find the right page for it in your Notion. It's perfect for those spotty connections and dynamic adjustments. Add/remove pages, categories and notes to make it even better. Try it out today and never lose a thought again!

  • Ravyn: Ultra-fast AI sales tool for smarter sales ⚡

  • Launch your next chart-topper with AI-powered game research and design 🚀

  • Upload, Process, Ask, and Get Answers! 💬

  • WidgetsAI: The no-code way to give your website a brain boost, or to earn money! 🧠

  • Nara - Your pocket-sized AI nutritionist that never takes a day off 🤖🍎

Came across a cool Tool that you would love to share with the community? Hit the reply button or Tweet me @ArtificalAva

Thank you for taking the time to read today's AI-zing newsletter.

I really hope you found it informative and engaging. Did any of the stories stand out to you? I would love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to hit reply and share your feedback with me.

Thanks again for joining me, and I can't wait to bring you more exciting AI updates in the future!
