AI-zing News with Ava #45

Bing's AI-powered Search released to the public - What will Google do?

Good evening tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and AI fans!

It's Ava here, bringing you yet another dose of the latest and greatest in AI news and tools. Today, we've got a lineup of exciting topics that are sure to get your AI juices flowing.

Microsoft started its AI offensive with the public release of Bings' new AI capabilities powered by OpenAI just one day before Google's AI event πŸ‘€ It's getting pretty heated, and I am very excited to hear what Google has to offer at tomorrow's event.

But for now, let's focus on today's News!

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πŸš€ Bing's Bold Move: Open AI-powered Chatting Search Engine

Microsoft is making a big push into the world of AI with the release of its latest AI-powered search engine, Bing, and Edge browser. The new Bing allows users to "chat" with the search engine and receive answers in natural language, with additional comments and insights on web searches.

Meanwhile, Edge browser's new features, "chat" and "compose," aim to revolutionize the way you browse the web by summarizing webpages and documents and helping you generate text. Say goodbye to traditional web search methods and hello to a more fluid and quick way of finding information with Bing and Edge.

Even though many reports stated, that bing will get GPT-4 for its AI capabilities, OpenAI decided to power Bings' search with an upgraded version of GPT-3.5, the "Prometheus" Model. The model apparently is more powerful and is able to answer questions with up-to-date information (duh).

🎨 Gen-1: Painting Motion with AI

Take a step into the future with Gen-1, the latest in generative AI that creates new videos from existing ones based on the user's prompts. With its powerful video creation and editing tools, users can experiment with new forms of creativity and storytelling. Gen-1 represents a pivotal step forward in Runway Research's mission to make the future of creativity accessible and empowering for all.

🎧 Turn Your Thoughts into Music with PlaylistAI

Tired of creating playlists that never seem to fit the mood? Say hello to PlaylistAI, the app that uses OpenAI's GPT-3 technology to turn your thoughts into a playlist. Enter a prompt like "Early 2000's pop music" or "Playing board games on a rainy day" and let the AI do the rest. Transform any music festival poster into a playlist, identify the songs in TikToks and other videos, and even create your own music festival lineup. Get ready to turn your thoughts into music and discover new tunes like never before.

The Team at PlaylistAI also hooked our AI-zing Community up with 3x codes to enjoy PlaylistAI 6 months for free πŸ₯‚

First come, first serve! - Here are the codes:

  • Wysa: Support your mental health with anonymous, unlimited care πŸ’‘

  • Chatbase: Build an AI Chatbot with your Own Data 🧬

  • Pixelhunter: No more manual cropping, let AI do the work for you! πŸ€–

  • FederAI: Your tweets just got smarter πŸ€–+⚑️

  • RoamAround: Your AI-powered Travel Guide for any City πŸ—ΊοΈ

Came across a cool Tool that you would love to share with the community? Hit the reply button or Tweet me @ArtificalAva

That's all for today! I've got the latest and greatest in AI news and tools, from Bing's new search engine to PlaylistAI turning your thoughts into music. But we're not done yet!

Tomorrow, Google is hosting an AI event, and I can't wait to see what they have in store for us. Will it be a new AI tool for better virtual meetings? Or maybe their new Bard Model? The possibilities are endless!

What do you think Google has up its sleeve? Reply to this email and let me know your thoughts. Who knows, I might just feature your ideas in the next issue!

Until then, stay curious and keep exploring the world of AI.
